‘Theatre Development Fund’

We are pleased to announce that stage one of the planned renovations is now complete.

  • The archway leading to the lower foyer has been widened
  • Walls, floors and ceilings have been insulated
  • The new stairs have better handrails and lighting for the benefit of elderly and less able visitors

The improvements have been made possible in part by a grant of £30,000 from the Lancashire Environmental Fund.

The remaining cost has been raised from existing funds and from the proceeds of the special events held throughout last season.

We would like to thank our patrons for supporting these in such numbers.

The Lancashire Environmental Fund (LEF) is a partnership between SITA UK Ltd., Lancashire County Council, The Wildlife Fund for Lancashire, Manchester and North Merseyside and Community Futures.

The Fund is financed by Landfill Tax donations from SITA UK Ltd. and Neales Waste Management together with a contribution from Lancashire County Council.

Organisations can apply for funding for environmental and community initiatives which benefit the environment and people of Lancashire.

Projects to date have included improvements to community facilities, environmental education, general environmental improvements, creation and management of habitats, improvements to parks, gardens, open spaces, play areas, recreational facilities, ponds, canals and rivers and biodiversity.

For further information visit www.lancsenvfund.org.uk