Evacuation Procedures during a Public Performance
• The House Manager should raise the alarm if not already raised and instruct the designated person to call the Fire Service and then go to the front of the building to assist in the evacuation and await the Fire Brigade. If the location of the fire is known the House Manager must inform the designated person who in turn must inform the Fire Brigade on arrival.
• The House Manager should make an announcement to the audience asking them to leave in an orderly fashion by the appropriate exits and make their way to the designated assembly point.
• On hearing the fire alarm the Stage Manager should bring down the stage curtain and instruct the Lighting Technician to bring up the house lights and assist in the evacuation of the public from the auditorium.
• The Stage Manager must then ensure the evacuation of the stage area, the green room, and all dressing rooms inc. upper rehearsal room. It is the Stage Managers responsibility to ensure that all these areas are clear of all members of the cast and crew and are evacuated, if possible, at the rear of the building. The signing in/out register should be picked up on evacuation, and a role call taken once assembled at the designated assembly point.
• When the upper Rehearsal Room is used as a dressing room the Stage Manager should delegate a member of the backstage crew to ensure the upper Rehearsal Room is evacuated. Members of the cast using this room should be made aware that in the event of a fire there are two exit routes which are both clearly marked.
• On hearing the fire alarm and on the instruction of the Stage Manager, the staff in the lighting gallery should put on Hi Vis jacket and assist in the evacuation of the public from the auditorium and prevent vehicles being removed from the theatre car park. There would be a danger of obstructing fire crews and causing danger to others if vehicles try to exit the theatre car park during the evacuation. Technical crew should be aware of alternative exit routes from the control room.
• Any orchestra or accompanist, in the auditorium should leave by the nearest available exit and assemble at the designated assembly point. They should not attempt to exit backstage.
• It is the House Manager and Steward’s responsibility to ensure the auditorium is evacuated and plan for any wheelchair bound persons to be assisted from the theatre.
• On hearing the fire alarm the bar staff should put on the Hi Vis jackets and evacuate the public from the bar, public toilets, and all foyer areas.
• To assist the Fire Brigade the House Manager should attempt to identify the location of the fire. The Fire alarm control panel will identify the location where the sounder was activated. Where possible ensure that all fire doors are closed to contain the fire.
• Please do not try to contain the fire using a fire extinguisher unless you have been trained in the use of firefighting equipment as this could cause danger to yourself and others.
• Do not return to the building until you are told to do so by a Fire Officer or the House Manager.
Whether or not a performance can be resumed when the building is declared safe, is a matter of judgement for the House Manager in consultation with the fire officer and others involved in the production.
Fire Evacuation when the public are not in the building.
To include:
Rehearsals, Set Building, Drama school, and Outside Lets.
If a fire is suspected or the alarm is activated during a rehearsal or set building etc, the procedure is as follows:
• If a fire has started, the fire alarm must be activated at the nearest call point to the fire.
• If there are multiple rehearsals and set building activities taking place at the same time in different locations throughout the building, on activating/hearing the fire alarm it is the person in charge of each individual activity to ask their cast/build team to evacuate the building using the nearest fire exit and assemble at the designated assembly point. It is the responsibility of the person in charge of each individual activity to ensure that everyone involved with their activity is clear of the building.
• If there are children involved in a rehearsal, the person in charge of that activity should ensure that all staff, parents/matrons are briefed on the emergency procedures and exits.
• On hearing the Fire Alarm, the technical crew in the control room should exit the building and go to the designated assembly point. The technical crew should be aware of alternative exit routes.
• Call the Fire Brigade when safe to do so. Also call the General Manager to inform them of the situation.
• To assist the Fire Brigade, a team leader should attempt to identify the location of the fire. The Fire alarm control panel will identify the location where the sounder was activated. Where possible ensure that all doors are closed to contain the fire.
• On no account must anyone be allowed to try and re-enter the building or try to remove their vehicle from the car park. There would be a serious danger of obstructing fire crews and causing danger to others.
• Please do not try to contain the fire using a fire extinguisher unless you have been trained in the use of firefighting equipment as this could cause danger to yourself and others.
Whether or not the set build/rehearsal can be resumed when the building is declared safe is a matter of judgement for the Team leader/Production Director.
Stage Manager Fire Evacuation Duties during a Public Performance
On hearing the Fire Alarm
1. Bring down main curtain.
2. Instruct cast on stage to evacuate the building immediately. [They must not go down to the dressing rooms to collect their belongings]
3. Instruct control room staff to bring up the house lights and stop any sound effects.
4. Delegate a backstage crew member to evacuate the upper rehearsal room (if in use) of all cast, and take them to the designated assembly point
5. Once all the cast and crew are clear of the building take the signing in sheet to the designated assemble point and carry out a head count.
Control Room Fire Evacuation Duties during a Public Performance
On hearing the Fire Alarm
Person No. 1
Bring up house lights to full.
Put on Hi Viz vest and proceed to auditorium emergency exit to assist in the evacuation of the auditorium by indicating of the direction of the designated assembly point. Once everyone is clear of the auditorium make your way to the designated assembly point.
Person No. 2
Stop all music and sound effects.
Put on Hi Viz vest and proceed to theatre car park entrance and stop any person trying to remove a vehicle from the theatre car park.
Bar Staff Fire Evacuation Duties during a Public Performance
On hearing the Fire Alarm
Person No. 1
The designated person should call the 999 and ask for the fire brigade to attend. Put on the Hi Viz vest and ask anyone occupying the bar to evacuate the building immediately.
Once you are satisfied that your area is clear of all occupants, exit the building and go to the designated assembly point.
Person No. 2
Check all the public toilets and if they are occupied ask them to evacuate the building immediately and ensure they comply. Make sure the foyer is clear of all occupants.
Once you are satisfied that your area is clear of all occupants, exit the building and go to the designated assembly point.